Are you looking for a different way to help your child?

Perhaps you've landed here because you're searching for deeper solutions to help find the root-cause underneath the challenges your child is moving through.

Or maybe you want to
better understand your child's sensory needs?

I help you navigate your child's sensory and emotional needs with simple and supportive ways to help your child in everyday life.

This might be the beginning of your family's journey, or you might have already worked with other therapists -either way this approach is unlike anything you might have tried in the past.


This is the aligned approach you've been searching for; one which helps you to identify your child's sensory needs to create harmony in your home...

 One that acknowledges
you as the expert of your child and guides you to discover their unique sensory needs, to build lifelong tools which grow with your child, supporting them as they develop.

 Online parent sessions in the comfort of your home and simple home activities to support your child each day - plus your program is accessible on your phone.

 Based on science and neuroplasticity, to support your child's emotional regulation, sensory processing and learning.

This approach goes beyond typical therapies, and instead, focuses on brain-body connection and the nervous system.

Imagine what life could look like if...

  • Your whole family can enjoy going on holiday because your sensitive child feels more comfortable with staying in new places 

  • Your child is excited for school camp, because they're no longer feeling self-conscious about bedwetting when they sleep

  • Your child can use public bathrooms without sensory overwhelm from loud hand-dryers 

  • You feel confident to help your high-energy child to regulate and manage their emotions & impulses

  • Your child looks forward to having new experiences and can adapt to changes more easily

  • Your home feels more easeful & calm day-to-day, and your child experiences less reactivity and fewer emotional explosions


My intention is to support your family to learn tools & practices for you to move forwards towards your goals!


I'm Ready To Get Started!

Lots of families tell me they have spent years trying many different therapies and feeling desperate for answers, before finding me. 

They are often searching for the
missing link: The Brain-Body Connection.  

And that’s where I come in!

 Hi, I'm Tilby👋🏼

I teach parents simple tools and practices which bring harmony to your home and nurture your child's development and evolution.

The Brain-Body Integration Program is for parents who:


➡️ Are looking for support which focusses on the root-level of their child's challenges

➡️ Have been waiting on multiple waitlists for therapy, but you want help to support your child 

➡️Have been working with a therapist with your child, but you haven't seen changes for
a while and you're ready for a different approach

➡️ Can commit to a longer-term (6-12 month) process and can be accountable and consistent with following the home program

➡️ Have concerns about their child's skills and their child is between 3 - 13yrs of age

Hear what parents have experienced working with me and 
using the Brain-Body Integration Program with their child...

The Brain-Body Integration
Program Includes: 

✅ 2 x Parent 1:1 Sessions

Online sessions with me to receive customised support, to help your child with simple tools and practices.

✅ Initial Questionnaire Review

Your information about your child's sensory, emotional and learning needs will be reviewed to assess their sensory needs and reflex profile.

✅ Customised Home Program

A home program is created with customised and simple exercises for reflex integration and specific activities for your child's sensory needs.

✅ Access Your Custom Program On Theratrak App 

Receive access to your customised home program from anywhere 24/7 on your phone using the Theratrak App where your activites are stored.

Book your session package + complete your client form

I'll send you an online form (via email) with questions about:

  • your child's skills

  • sensory experiences in daily life

  • their strengths and challenges in daily life

  • their developmental history 

Initial Session

  • We meet via Zoom (parent-only session) to identify your child's needs & set clear goals.

  • I will develop a home program for your child based on our chat, the intake form and their needs & goals.

  • We will also book in your review session.

Review Session

  • We meet via Zoom (parent-only session) and discuss what's happening for your child and your family. I'll offer specific tools to support your child.

  • You will have access to your custom home program on Theratrak app to practice with your child at home.

  • During this session we will discuss your home program and problem-solve anything that comes up.

I'm Ready To Get Started


Tilby has worked with hundreds of children
and their families for over 8 years.

Tilby has a background in occupational therapy and biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Her coaching approach is centred around the nervous system and the brain-body connection. 

Tilby's approach focusses on primitive reflex integration to support the brain-body connection and equipping parents with simple tools and practices to support their child's sensory needs in daily life.


I'm Ready To Book